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    Concrete Repair Champaign IL

    In most homes, there are some areas that get a lot of use. They take the brunt of all those busy home activities. The kitchen, the entryway, and the living room all take some regular abuse. The laundry room and the garage are high-traffic areas as well. Any room with an above-ground pool likely sees some moisture problems on a regular basis. The concrete in these areas tends to show its age faster than other surfaces. When you see cracks in your driveway or basement floor, it’s time for home concrete repair. There are many different ways to tackle these repairs, depending on what scope of work you want to do yourself and how much budget you have for professional services. Read on to find out more about home Concrete Repair Champaign IL options in your own home!

    Benefits of Concrete Repair Champaign IL

    If you’re contemplating Concrete Repair Champaign IL as a homeowner, you may be wondering what the benefits actually are. Here are a few reasons why a concrete repair is a great idea.

    – Helps to extend the life of your concrete – While concrete is referred to as “living” concrete because it continues to move and change, it will eventually reach a point where it is considered to be “dead.” Once this happens, concrete repair is all but impossible. By patching, filling, and resurfacing your concrete, you can extend the life of your concrete for many more years.

    – Saves money on a future new concrete installation – While many homeowners choose to pay for a full concrete replacement when cracks in their concrete become advanced, it is an expensive option. Concrete repair is a much cheaper way to bring your concrete back to life. This gives you time to save up for a full replacement if you need to without making large monthly payments.

    – Keeps your concrete from ending up in a landfill – If you have to get rid of your concrete, it can be a difficult process. Concrete can be difficult and costly to dispose of, and many landfills won’t accept it. Concrete repair gives you an option to save your concrete and keep it out of a landfill.

    Concrete Repair Champaign IL: Determine the Cause of Your Cracks

    Before you can determine the best course of action for Concrete Repair Champaign IL, you must first understand the causes of your cracks. There are several different reasons cracks appear in the concrete. The cause will determine the best course of action for concrete repair.

    – Freeze-thaw cycles – When temperatures drop well below freezing, water in the concrete freezes. When it comes back up to a normal temperature, it expands. This can create tiny cracks in the concrete. As the weather fluctuates between freezing and thawing, the cracks get larger and larger.

    – Weight issues – If a concrete slab is placed directly on the ground without a layer of gravel underneath it, it can cause the area to sink. Pressure from the ground above the slab can also cause it to crack. If you’re seeing cracks in your concrete, it may be due to the weight on the concrete.

    – Excessive moisture – If water is pooling on your concrete, it can cause the concrete to break apart. This is a serious problem that can lead to a lot of other issues if left untreated.

    Patching to Concrete Repair Champaign IL

    If your concrete is fracturing due to freeze-thaw cycles, you may be able to patch the concrete to temporarily stop the damage. A concrete patch involves using cement and sand to fill in the cracks. You can do this yourself or hire a Concrete Repair Champaign IL contractor to come to do the work for you. To be effective, the patch needs to be thicker than the crack it is filling. You can also use a different color of cement to make it easier to identify the patch. In most cases, concrete patches are temporary fixes. They won’t last forever, and you will probably need to patch the concrete multiple times before you can make a decision about concrete replacement. Since concrete is so heavy, it can put a lot of pressure on the patch as it dries. You may need to brace the area or reinforce the patch, especially if it is in an area with a lot of foot traffic.

    Resurfacing to Concrete Repair Champaign IL

    You may be able to resurface as part of Concrete Repair Champaign IL. Resurfacing is a process that applies a new, thin layer of concrete over your existing concrete. Many contractors use additives in the new concrete to strengthen your existing concrete, as well. How thick the new concrete layer will be will depend on the level of repair you need. Resurfacing can be a good option if you have minor surface issues with your concrete and don’t want to replace the entire slab. Contractors often use a high-pressure application to apply the new concrete over your existing concrete. This technique uses a strong water spray to apply the concrete. It’s usually an effective process that can be completed in one day.

    Concrete Repair Champaign IL: Rebuilding a Slab or Driveway

    If you notice a large split or crack in your concrete, you may be able to rebuild the entire slab which is one of the types of Concrete Repair in Champaign IL. The contractor will remove the concrete that is damaged and then use concrete to fill in the empty space and smooth out the new slab even if you’re using resin concrete with it. When you rebuild a slab, you can choose how thick you want the new slab to be. While most contractors will recommend a thickness that meets your city’s building codes, you can ask them to make the slab thicker if it is in an area that sees a lot of traffic. Once the concrete dries, you will see a dramatic difference in the condition of your concrete. Many contractors will also rebuild your concrete driveway if there are big cracks or other serious issues that affect the integrity of the concrete. If there are smaller cracks in your driveway, you may be able to repair them instead of rebuilding the entire driveway.


    Concrete Repair Champaign IL is an important part of maintaining your home. It can be a little bit scary to think about having to repair a slab of concrete in your basement or a slab of concrete in your driveway. However, concrete repair isn’t as difficult as you might think. In fact, it’s something that many homeowners can do themselves with the right materials and a little bit of guidance. By understanding the causes of cracks and what types of repairs you can do, you can make sure your concrete lasts for years to come.

    FAQ About Concrete Repair Champaign IL

    What Are The DOs And Dont When Doing Concrete Repair Champaign IL?

    – Do do your research – There are a number of concrete repairs that you can complete. Some are more complex than others, so it’s important to do your research to determine what will work best for your situation.

    – Do hire a Concrete Repair Champaign IL professional – Even if you’ve done the research and feel like you can handle the repairs yourself, it’s a good idea to hire a professional to come to do the work. Concrete can be extremely heavy, and it can be dangerous to try to lift heavy slabs and pour new concrete.

    – Do keep a clean work area – Concrete is dusty and dirty, and it can be hard to clean up. Make sure to keep your work area clean so you don’t track concrete dust all over your home.

    – Don’t rush the process – Concrete repair can take some time to complete. Some repairs can take several days to dry, so don’t rush the process.

    – Don’t skimp on materials – Concrete repair is not an area where you want to skimp on the materials. If you use cheap materials, they won’t hold up.

    – Don’t forget to seal the new concrete – Once the concrete has dried, you will want to make sure you seal it so it lasts as long as possible.